The Indiana State Constitution is deficient and needs to be amended to establish a process for the General Assembly to reconvene at times of its choosing when emergencies emerge.

The less-than-equal station of the General Assembly to that of the Executive and Judicial branches stems from our state constitution.

The state constitution establishes a part-time legislative branch, the General Assembly, and full-time Executive and Judicial branches.

The COVID-19 virus demonstrated the magnitude of this inequality, revealing a need for remedy.

The General Assembly attempted a remedy with HB 1123 in 2021 but failed and gave up. The attempt included an Indiana Supreme Court ruling that recognized the inequality and agreed to the need for a remedy but found the proposed process defined in the remedy attempt unconstitutional.

Hold the phone:

How many lawyers does it take to write a constitutional law? Many of our legislators are lawyers and proud to be so. Are you kidding me?